Who We Are

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop a Self-Reliant Community capable of providing dignified lives for children, youth, women, and people living with disabilities through quality services that exceed expectations and maximize their potential.

Our mission

ENF promotes an environment where children, youth, women, and people living with disabilities can live in dignity to achieve their full potential, addressing the experiences and root causes of poverty and adversity at the family level while improving opportunities for a better future.

Our Strength

ENF’s programs are dedicated to catalyzing positive change through sustainable initiatives. Alongside our partners, we are committed to making a lasting difference. 

Our Core Values

We prioritize our beneficiaries, integrating honesty, integrity, and ethics into all aspects of our work.

Our Goal

To improve the well-being of children, youth, women, and people living with disabilities.

Our Objectives

  1. Enhance structures and systems of service delivery to children, youth, women, and people living with disabilities.
  2. Promote programs that enhance their well-being through various stages of growth.
  3. Provide an inclusive environment that supports their holistic development.
  4. Provide opportunities for children, youth, women, and people living with disabilities to develop their potential.

Our Our Challeges

Despite our accomplishments, we face challenges,, including:

Infrastructure Development: Constructing suitable facilities for our educational complex.

Resource Acquisition: procuring computers and other learning materials for our institutes and training centers.

Logistics: obtaining vehicles for accessing remote villages with poor road networks.

Digital Literacy: Establishing ICT training centers for underprivileged women and youth in Douala, Limbe, and Yaoundé.

Want to make a difference?

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